Prayer | 30 DAYS TO SAY - Day 15 - Christ Lives in Me - Marty Grisham of Loudmouth Prayer

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30 Days to Say – Day 15 – Christ Lives in Me
Galatians 2:20

I have been crucified with Christ.
I have been crucified with Jesus.
When Jesus hung on the cross
He did it for ME in such a way
That it was just as though I was hanging with Him.
But because of that, the old me no longer lives.
It is now CHRIST who lives in me,
Giving me a new life to enjoy.
I died on the cross—the old me—
And when Jesus was raised from the dead,
I was given a new creature, a new creation,
A new identity in Him.
When I receive Jesus as Lord, I step into that wonderful blessing
Of that new life in Christ.
I have been crucified with Christ.
The old me no longer lives.
The new me now lives IN and THROUGH the life of Jesus
By the Spirit of God.

I still live in this flesh.
The life I now live still in this flesh—
I do live in a flesh, but now the NEW me,
The born-again, recreated-spirit ME, is who lives in this flesh—
And now the real me
Lives in this flesh by faith in the Son of God;
By faith in the redemptive work that Jesus did for me,
And FREELY gave me all the spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus.
Jesus did this because He loved me,
And He gave Himself for me,
So now I live IN HIM, by faith,
As He lives in me.
My old self had been nailed to the cross
So a new me could be born
In union with Him.
So now in my soul, I readjust my thinking.
I realign my thinking
To think the way HE thinks.
To see myself the way HE sees me:
As a new creation in HIM.
It’s no longer I who lives—
The old I was nailed to the cross—
But Christ lives in me.
Hallelujah, praise God!

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