79 LIVE FAKE PROPHETS, Christian prophecy & media PROPAGANDA

6 months ago

0:00 – Introduction, reference to Live Show #58 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vB32SFAXxC4), reading 6/23/2023 online article from New York Times: "Christian Prophets Are on the Rise. What Happens When They’re Wrong?" (Earlier version appeared in print 2/12/2021 as "Christian Prophecy Movement Is Hit Hard by Trump’s Defeat")
5:09 – My view of bad prophets & how prophets are right
11:52 – Reading article about Trump's election, vague dreams up for interpretation
16:45 – Self-described prophets, social media is deceptive
20:20 – God's lack of diversity, QAnon is fake, corporate media lies, Benjamin Franklin story
28:07 – social media & rise in prophecy, trusting institutions, what is misinformation, Trump is hope
37:37 – Race & prophecy
38:52 – Prophecy is interpretation for hope or clarity
40:06 – God is involved in everything vs free will
43:56 – Lacking context for accurate prophecies, Jennifer Eivaz the "Praying Prophet", defunding generic prophecy
53:39 – Time factors, God lies to prophets or God isn't talking to prophets
58:57 – Religion is corrupt & about the ego, when God speaks, , closing thoughts on New Year

Live 12/16/2023, unedited and off the cuff.

Weekly live show on society & religion, plus Vedic scriptures. Vishishtadvaita Vedanta Vaishnava. Combating conversion! Sanatana Dharma not Neo-Hinduism.

I am Premanand Das Bhagat (Aaron Joy), in Maine USA.
📣 * Contact: aronmatyas@hotmail.com
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I am your spiritual cheerleader, wanting to help you grow spiritually, discover your life's purpose, know god, and avoid the dark places.

📚 I'm a Mystic, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Certified Ayurveda Specialist, and currently studying Integrel Vedic Counseling under Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri). Spiritual name bestowed by Dr. Chaturbhai Babaria (of Swaminaryan Gurukul USA, Ramanuja lineage). Student of Dr. Frawley & Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya.

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