Total Collapse Sandy Hook Hoax: Mass Media Deceptions. Your Perception Fools You! - 2013

8 months ago

Published on Apr 5, 2013

Rony Wins crushes the deliberate and most transparent Sandy Hook Hoax in most unique and humorous way. A heartwarming down to earth video documentary. Warning and word of caution: not for mainstream dummies believing any official story without taking personal responsibility to research, to discern and to think critically with a rational and logical mind and with reason.

Thank you Rony.
This is an outstanding piece of investigative journalism.

An extensive research into the Adam - No Motive - Lanza Debacle
Know You Have Been Lied To.

First watch the entire docu-commentary..
than come back and read what's written below...
The nature of the attack at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, was that of an operation going wrong, either purposely or not so purposely. Kudos to the first responding police officers arriving so quickly at the scene. I am quite sure that possibility was dramatically overlooked and underestimated and from thereon it got a little messy and necessary for the powers to be to intervene. A deeper investigation into this matter at a youtube video here:

Barbwired Sandy Hook School: Bodies in Closet Kitchen - April 2013 Research - No Hoax

The greater divide this projected hoax causes is intentional. Most of the awakening ones initially fell into the trap set out for them... were more focused on the "hoax" & "actors" aspect of this continuing mass psychological operation, but didn't look deep enough into the higher aspirations/intentions of the projector behind this false flag scenario.. and these reach beyond the mere gun control agenda.. it is reflected in what happened to Newtown and how these families infiltrated in that community.. the mainstream minded can't fathom that level of deception.. yet. Fortunately a growing number of people are now becoming aware of these governmental methods of emotional abuse. But will their count be enough in the end in order to prevent the further destruction of our society?

Yes, they used the story of these children to put forward an agenda of gun control. Yes, they really pushed it to the level of surrealism, creating the hoax, they even want you to see the hoax, they know how it divides public opinion, they realize how it angers people that are waking up to this plot, yet it simultaneously and ironically brings people together in harmony against these transparent acts of deceit.

The policy script writers, the controlling ones at the steering wheel, know all of this, whilst they continue to exert the most transparent strategy of sociological mass conditioning on gun control acceptance by means of psychological false flag operations and mainstream media scenarios. And they are prepared to go through lengths in achieving their objectives. No matter how irresponsible.

Apparently there's a lot at stake. The corruption in America is frighteningly high and it's all about changing mass perception subconsciously with the end goal in mind.. creating a false sense of peace and security.. but theirs.. not ours. Surrealism is trump card in this "game."

"It's a big club... and you ain't in it." ~ George Carlin

It's just another sect, a cult with an ideology sworn in secrecy...
a hidden religion ruling your world with great power.

Prepare yourself mentally for what's to come.
So goes America, so goes the world."

If you appreciate the things I find then please consider purchasing a few dollars of Sandy Hook Hoax token on the Algorand blockchain
Things live forever and permanently on the blockchain and if the token gets enough support we can ensure that all of the hard work everyone has done and continues to do doesn't one day get all traces of it eliminated. Keep saving, archiving, seeding, downloading and sharing everything. If you don't you allow them to erase and rewrite history how they see fit. Remember that you pay them to tell you what you can talk about. :)

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