Can You Name These 10 Foods Before They Are Harvested?

6 years ago

Do you know the origin stories of your favorite foods? We're betting you wouldn't recognize some of them when they're still in the fields.

10. Found mostly in South America, it is a fruit with a particularly rich flavor. It grows the cocoa beans that eventually turn into a chocolate bar.

9. Originated in Asia and Africa, these berries have a fleeting taste of watermelon, rosewater and hibiscus. They contain the coffee beans that get ground up for your cup of coffee.

8. Harvested all around the world, something that looks like a fatter parsnip is actually a sugar beet which gives you the white crystals you know as sugar.

7. Native to India, at first glance, these look like regular berries – but they sure are not sweet. Once they are picked and dried, they arrive to your kitchen as black pepper.

6. Native to Brazil, this whole fruit is edible, but the best part is the nut on the bottom. Here is what the cashew looks like after its toxic shell is removed.

5. Harvested all around the world, you have probably tasted this crocus in your soup, stew or risotto. Its threads are called saffron, and you can easily harvest them yourself.

4. Native to Asia and the Middle East, tasting this fruit off the branch might not be the best idea. When sun-dried, it becomes a pistachio, and loses the toxins that it could contain.

3. Native to South and Central America, this 12-inch tall plant is all about what is hiding beneath the earth. The groundnut is more commonly known as the peanut.

2. Native to the middle east, this large, bright fruit only looks this good on the tree. You know it better as the soft and wrinkly date.

1. Native to Japan, you would think this is a cross between a carrot and a pineapple, but it actually is something that spice lovers around the world call wasabi.

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