Crappy Holidays!

1 year ago

El Diablo has a soft spot in his heart for Christmas. Did you know it’s actually his second favorite season? How is that possible, you might ask? It’s another great opportunity for hedonistic debauchery, anger, aggression, sadness, and nearly endless indulgence – qualities that are near and dear to El Diablo’s dark heart!

For example, that Christmas party might look innocent enough. But five boozy eggnogs later and you might change your mind. Or you might gain a fun new reputation!

The holiday season is usually packed with indulgence, bad behavior, and dark thoughts. You can count on it. It’s like a gift that keeps coming every year. Is it any wonder it’s so diabolically delightful? El Diablo generously wants you to have all that this holiday season has to offer…and more!

Crappy holidays from El Diablo!

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