
7 months ago

Why are we so ready to beLIEve everything we hear?
Better question is;
Why are we so willing to beLIEve the bad we are told to be truth of another individual, then mock and critique good news, etc...?
Could it be, that we are so deeply entranced in satans world of misery and hate, that his system has indoctrinated us all to support hating each other, rather than hating the sin an individual commits, while helping the sinner to rise above sin...? If after all attempts to correct the error, the individual, after deep supplication an prayer for guidance to correct the error fails, then, and only then, should we consider...detaining for life, or returning the error to source...our Father, the creator of all
~ As soon as we point fingers of blame, hate an judgement upon a sinner, we remove any potential to understanding WHY the sin occurred.
We cannot serve 2 Masters!
🙏COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE...saith thy Father🙏

Dennis Durbin
PO Box 174
Wellton, Az 85356

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