Taiwan secession plan by DPP backed by US

9 months ago

Video: Taiwan secession plan by DPP backed by US to turn it into Ukraine 2.0 face serious challenge 視頻: 美國支持的民進黨台獨計劃將台灣變成烏克蘭2.0面臨嚴峻挑戰

China recently held an real fire drill exercise! Western intelligence analysis and comment: This exercise broke all previous world military exercise records. No one can survive under a full fire attack! (If Taiwan Province sees this video, it will be speechless! Will Taiwan
secessionists have any chance of survival? War with China will be suicidal?)中國近日舉行了實戰火力打擊演習! 西方情報分析評論: 這次演習打破了過去所有世界戰爭演習記錄,飽合火力攻擊下將無人能生存! (台灣省如果看到這段視頻,將會無語! 台獨會有任何生存下來的機會嗎?這些分裂者真的能跟中國大陸打仗嗎?)

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