Benjamin: America’s Freedom, Education and Politics Have Been Overtaken by Communist Ideas

7 months ago

【 #AMFEST2023 】 12/16/2023 WARROOM DESIGN & DEV/DESIGNER Noah Benjamin Jebaraj (GETTR: @NOAHBENJAMIN/ @WARROOMPRAYER): We’ve seen how America's freedom, education and politics have been overtaken by communist ideas that are made to suppress people. This is hurtful for America. So we have to stand up, not sleeping by the wheel and watching your freedom disappear.
#TakeDownCCP #NFSC
【 #凤凰城烽火行动 】 12/16/2023 《战斗室》开发与设计师诺亚·本杰明·杰巴拉赫(GETTR: @NOAHBENJAMIN/ @WARROOMPRAYER): 我们看到美国的自由、教育和政治已如何被旨在压迫人们的共产主义思想接管。这对美国是有害的。因此我们必须进行抗争,不能再对此熟视无睹,眼睁睁看着自由消失。
#新中国联邦 #消灭中共

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