Kathleen Winn: The NFSC has done such an incredible job of defining what communism is and its cost

9 months ago

12/16/2023 【#AMFEST2023】Kathleen Winn, Host of the Winn Tucson China Watch: The NFSC has done such an incredible job of defining what communism is and the cost of communism. The CCP means to do us harm. If the United States does not draw a line in the sand with the CCP now, we won't have a future for this country.
#NFSC #TakedowntheCCP #fentanyl
12/16/2023 【#凤凰城烽火行动】温图森中国观察节目主持人凯瑟琳女士:新中国联邦对如何定义共产主义及揭露共产主义所造成的代价方面贡献卓越!中共在处心积虑地伤害美国。倘若美国现在不和中共划清界限,我们这个国家将没有未来。
#新中国联邦 #消灭中共 #芬太尼

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