Bill O'Reilly Blasts 'Grinch' Jon Stewart Mockery of The War on Christmas - 2013

5 months ago

Published on Dec 4, 2013
by Les Grossman Best of YouTube - News & Politics

"bill oreilly jon stewart war on christmas. The War on Christmas™ is great for Bill O'Reilly because he gets to do the same rallying Defender-of-Christmas schtick every holiday season, and where there is an O'Reilly crusade, Jon Stewart always right behind him, laughing all the way. Not being one to let things go, O'Reilly lobbed a Kringle grenade at the Daily Show host (or, as O'Reilly called him, a "grinch").

O'Reilly sighed, "Alas, Mr. Stewart is not getting the message." He went over the usual pithy examples of some secular groups targeting some school districts over some minor thing about a holiday display and cried, "Are you getting this, Stewart? Are you hearing me?"

He snarked, "Stewart just likes playing the Grinch," and mock-threatened that if he tries anything else, he will be "officially voided from Christmas."

O'Reilly continued on to say secular progressives want to destroy Christmas because they want a fundamental transformation of the country that includes income equality, "unfettered abortion," and "legalized narcotics."

He concluded, "I hope Jon Stewart will reconsider the situation, because in his heart, he knows I'm right."

Watch the video below, via Fox News:"

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