Bill O'Reilly Responds To Haters Who Don't Think 'War On Christmas' Is Real - 2012

6 months ago

Published on Dec 6, 2012

"Bill O'Reilly Responds To Haters Who Don't Think The War On Christmas Is Real
The War on Christmas™ is around once again, marking the time of the holiday when Bill O'Reilly stands up for all Christmas folks, but some think that this whole "war" thing 'tis but a hoax. Well, tonight Bill responded to the warfare deniers by blaming the godless for starting the fires. He said that of course the War on Christmas™ is real, why else would he speak of it so much with such zeal?

To Messrs Greg Gutfeld and Bernard McGuirk, anyone who hates Christmas is kind of a jerk. Gutfeld observed that with all of this fluff, it's not Christmas under fire, it's "a war on fun stuff." O'Reilly used all of his might and his heft to respond to the ludicrous loons on the left who say that the war simply doesn't exist. Well, that got O'Reilly rather pissed."

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