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1 year ago

They purposefully used cancer cells to prove hydroxychloroquine was ineffective against the virus! But actually they proved it works perfectly because it protects your healthy cells and allows the virus to attack cancerous cells!!!!

1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • that's because of the chlor in hydrochloroquine is chlorite and when it mixes with stomach acid it becomes activated to chlorine dioxide AKA clo2 AKA MMS DESTROYS CANCER CELLS WITHOUT HARMING REGULAR TISSUE OR CELLS, OXYGENATES THE BLOOD, ALKALIZES THE BLOOD CREATING AN ALKALINE ENVIRONMENT THAT WILL STARVE OUT CANCER CELLS, BOTH ARE OXIDIZERS THAT DON'T HARM TISSUE. it's a doctor mentions it he'll lose his license and be law suited to death cuz for about 15 bucks a month you can kill cancer cells and about 50 other illnesses that take the place of hundreds of pharmaceuticals rendering them useless stupid and toxic.