"This is what I missed" Part 3 • they will know us by our fruit

1 year ago

Sara Whitten highlights the beautiful symmetry of how 'the fruit' described in the original Greek in Galatians is both the product of something... and an action.

Sara Whitten’s newest book, UNCOMMON VESSELS, is available here: https://www.amazon.com/Uncommon-Vessels-Ongoing-Journey-Renewed/dp/1666791881

See Sara Whitten in the "Fruit of the Spirit" film:

Film Credits: "Fruit of the Spirit" 2024
A Fritz Feick Film
Produced and Directed by Fritz Feick. Featuring authors Sara Whitten (Uncommon Vessels)
Victoria P. Davis (Addicted to Health) and filmmaker Fritz Feick.
Featuring the outreach, service, aid to the poor and impoverished, and the ministries of:
(in order of appearance)
Masereka Swizen of Kasese, Uganda Contact: +256 782 828196
Pastor Peter John of Punjab, Pakistan Contact +923 0065 86147
Matanda Mathias of Mityana, Uganda Contact +256 750 979275
Sahil Basharat of Faisalabad, Pakistan Contact: +923 0170 29948
Ahsan Gill of Faisalabad, Pakistan Contact: +923 4006 52663
Evg Lazar Maseeh of Faisalabad, Pakistan Contact: +009 234 27966 458
Samuel Hans of Jaranwala, Pakistan Contact: +009 203 167496 783
Peter Joseph of Jinja City, Uganda Contact: +256 758 794015
Urdu translation provided by Pastor Peter John and friends
A production of: www.goodnewsnyc.com
Watch for our next film this winter: “The Mystery of the Spirit”

Why settle for an ordinary life that lacks power, joy and meaning?
In this rich film filled with challenge, inspiration and encouragement, travel a road to greater joy and peace. Discover a kind of love that only God can give, and learn how to model different kinds of sacrifice to become fruit for others in your life.

A special note from the filmmaker, Fritz Feick: I was reading about ‘the fruit of the Spirit’ and came across an article that cited an unexpected scriptural reference: Luke 13:6-9 "The Parable of the Barren Fig Tree"

And he told this parable: “A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came seeking fruit on it and found none. And he said to the vinedresser, ‘Look, for three years now I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and I find none. Cut it down. Why should it use up the ground? And he answered him, ‘Sir, let it alone this year also, until I dig around it and put on manure. Then if it should bear fruit next year, well and good; but if not, you can cut it down.”

Reading these words, I suddenly realized this parable was all about me, except for the fact that instead of 3 years of not bearing fruit, I had spent 40… 40 years of wandering in my own wilderness—a place of my own choosing. And then something happened. It was a miracle. I started reading the Bible from page 1, and God started pouring miracles, signs, wonders and gifts into my life. I was surrounded by God’s words and God’s people and then discovered the real meaning of love. And this film is a result.

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