Unjust Treatment of Whistleblowers!

9 months ago

So in 2017, his real sin was embarrassing the CIA by revealing the existence of the surveillance program that surveilled a bunch of foreign head state et cetera et cetera and Assange by the way withheld a lot of the information because he asked to CIA look. I don't want to get even killed. So here is what I'm about to put up on wikileaks. Tell me if any of it is too far. They wouldn't respond anyway. But the CIA found the guy they believed leaked that information to wikileaks, and they charged him with that crime, imperiling American national security. A jury did not convict him of that, but guess what happened next, he got busted for kiddie porn. Can you believe it? The guy
who offended the CIA turned out to be like a huge kiddie porn guy. They founded all his computer, amazingly, and he's in prison now, and he'll be there for the rest of his life. There isn't a remarkable connection
between. Over there's an overlap between the following sets, people who love Kiddie Porn and people who offend the regime. Have you ever noticed that? It's amazing and it's enough almost to keep me off the internet at this point, because I mean they're not going to get me on. I've been married the same girl for 30 years.

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