Prayer | 30 DAYS TO SAY - Day 14 - No Longer Children - Marty Grisham of Loudmouth Prayer

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30 Days to Say – Day 14 – No Longer Children
Ephesians 4:11-16

In the name of Jesus,
The Word of God was written for me.
It’s my Heavenly Father’s words to me.
I reverence these powerful words from my Father.
He, as my Father, He wants me to grow up.
He desires for me to mature in the things of the Word of God
And the things of the Spirit.
I long to be nourished by the precious Word of God.
I long to be led AND MENTORED by the Spirit of God.
I embrace unity in the body of Christ,
And I understand that we all need to mature and grow,
And I understand the five ministry gifts are needed for that.
I understand
The role of the apostle
The prophet
The evangelist
The pastor
And the teacher.
That it’s when the five come together,
The five work together in unity,
It will birth unity in the body.
The heart of God is founded in the Spirit of Unity—
One of the characteristics of the Holy Ghost—
The Spirit of Unity.

The Spirit of Division is nothing but darkness
And tries many times to invade the body of Christ
With bringing fake light.
Unity is needed, and I embrace it.
I do not look for the faults in the others in the body of Christ.
I resist the trickery of men and the deceitful plotting by seducing spirits.

The Spirit of God is in me, and He is the Spirit of Truth.
I know Him, for I embrace the Spirit of Truth.
I am steady, and speak the truth in love.
I am steady, and speak the truth in love.
This causes me to grow in the things of God,
And look more like Jesus every day,
By bringing my OWN supply to the body of Christ;
To do the effectual work I’M called to do,
And to wrap it with love
And build the body of Christ,
Instead of tearing it down.

I’m no longer a child:
I’m taking the milk of God’s word,
I’m taking the meat of God’s word,
And I’m feeding and nourishing every day.
I’m following the ministry gifts,
To hear what they pray and say.
And I’m growing, number one, in the Word of God.
Number two, in my righteous relationship with Him.
Number three, in the identity, and my new creation reality:
Who I am NOW, in Christ.
Praise God. Hallelujah.

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