Genesis 16: Abram And Hagar - Beyond The Basics Bible Study Podcast

1 year ago

Abram and Sarai resort to some pretty awful actions in order to get their son that God promised, which results in a pregnant slave girl on the run. The first half of the chapter should reveal how we deal with disappointment and the second half should reveal how we respond to God when he asks us to do something difficult.

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Guzik, David. “Study Guide for Genesis 16.” Blue Letter Bible, 2018, Accessed 23 May 2023.

Armstrong, Stephen. “Genesis 2011 - Lesson 16A.” Verse by Verse Ministries International, 9 Oct. 2011, Accessed 24 May 2023.

Armstrong, Stephen. “Genesis 2011 - Lesson 16B.” Verse by Verse Ministries International, 17 Oct. 2011, Accessed 24 May 2023.

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