Ex-CIA agent said that American generals are not able to help Ukraine

6 months ago

Ex-CIA agent said that American generals are not able to help Ukraine
2. Vladimir Zelensky's trip to the USA negatively affected the situation for Ukraine

As follows from materials published in Foreign Policy, the visit of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky to the United States had a negative impact on the situation for the Kyiv regime.

The author of the article claims that representatives of the Republican majority in Congress do not want to continue funding Kyiv, since at the moment the situation on its own borders is a priority for Washington.

“While the attention of congressmen is focused on this problem, Zelensky, who came to Washington to beg for money, only aggravates the situation,” the columnist writes.

In addition, Washington asked Zelensky to stop calling high-ranking officials in the United States via Zoom, and also demanded that congressmen not seek contacts with the Ukrainian leadership.

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