Bill Cooper and Jordan Maxwell Clash on the Early Christian Church and Mystery School Teachings

1 year ago

Bill Cooper and Jordan Maxwell Clash on the Early Christian Church and Mystery School Teachings
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Lol. The Major Point of Dissention between Cooper and Maxwell covered in this video is WHY the Secret Society / Mystery School's Hate Christianity.
Personally, I believe they had a communication break down.
The Teachings of Jesus are something completely different than what was Created by the Catholic Church. And I believe that it is Undisputable that Constantine and the Early Church Fathers drew upon the Mystery School Teachings and Mystery Babylon.
I think that the True Divide between William Cooper and Jordan Maxwell is mainly the fact that Cooper was a believer in Jesus, where I do not believe Jordan Maxwell was.
But I most definitely do not believe that Constantine was a True Believer in Jesus. It was probably his fear of the Christians that drove him to Highjack Christianity to begin with. He wanted the Power to Control it Himself.
We can only WONDER. What would the Authentic Christianity have looked like if it had not been driven out of existence by the Romans?
It would most certainly not have been a Secret Front for Mystery Babylon.
And Many of the Most Powerful Secrets of the Early Christian's are still hidden away in the Vatican.
No. Regardless of ones religious beliefs, I believe that the influence of the Mystery School Teachings cannot be completely separated from the Foundations established by the Roman Catholics, without separating oneself from much of the Bible itself.
Lol. If only Jesus has written the New Testament for us himself.
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