Aliens, Vortexes, Milab Operations & High Strangeness - Michael Kameron Interview with James Bartley

6 months ago

Part 2:

Michael Kameron, an Alien Abductee and Milab from Great Brian joins us for a deep discussion about aliens, vortexes, high strangeness and Milab Ops. This discussion delves into issues such as Astral Ops, Interdimensional Travel and much more.

In Part 2 Michael Kameron gives a Deep Dive about Alien Interference in our past lives and how they set the stage for alien abductions and milab experiences in one’s current incarnation.

Michael Kameron was born in London, England during the 1970’s and raised by strict Roman Catholic parents. From a very early age he experienced both paranormal activity and had encounters with the Nordics. Later he would along with his brother be abducted by the Greys.
Michael is a MILAB as well and this is something he is exploring now. He describes himself as a Breakaway MILAB. Michael explains he was a victim at one time, but now he is self aware and self-empowered.

Michael is a new author of the book High Strangeness: A Lifetime of Alien and Paranormal Encounters. Published by Flying Disk Press.

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