Minister to the War Torn Souls

9 months ago

Minister to the War Torn Souls

December 11th, 2023

Hello Lord Jesus, please give us the faith to walk with You into those places where the greatest sorrows are and to minister to the broken and dying. Amen.

Well, I want to share with you that the illustration on this video was made over thirty years ago, when the Lord told me that someday I would walk among the wounded and dying to give them hope. And now He has brought that to pass in the sense that He is taking us by the hand and leading us into war torn areas like the Gaza Strip and the border of Russia to minister to people who have no hope and some of them that are dying.

And I shared that with the community and several people in the community have already experienced that and are open to it and we have talked about this before, it really is strictly a matter of faith in what the Lord is doing and I kind of had to brush up on my faith today I guess you could say today. Actually, I went into worship this morning and I was really sitting with the Lord, He was very close to my heart, I had the monstrance with the Blessed Sacrament in it close to my heart and I was singing and worshipping Him.

And in the process of doing that, suddenly, I saw a little boy, a little toddler, dirty and crying and half naked walking, looking for his parents who had been killed in this war that happened in Gaza. And it was just so lost and confused and crying out, and my heart just went out to him and in the spirit, I walked over to him and picked him up and held him in my arms and comforted him and someone handed me a milk bottle from over my shoulder and I gave it to this child and he began drinking it and I prayed for the baby and comforted it and prayed and comforted it and prayed, hoping that he would be healed from this horrible experience, if he survived.

Later in this vision I saw an angel come down and take him up. Ezekiel and I have talked about this, he believes that it was Limbo where he was taken. I am not sure, but a lot of children were there, it was beautiful and cheerful. Ezekiel has been saying that they are taken there to be acquainted with Jesus, get to know Jesus, and then they would be admitted into Heaven. Now these are basically Muslim children, babies.

The Lord began. He said, “I am not forcing you, My Brides; I am inviting you into My family to reach those without hope. Allow your hearts to go out to them. Follow your instincts to comfort and console. If possible, ask them to forgive. Love does not-Love does so much for their souls. My light will shine through you, and they will just naturally respond, not even knowing why they are responding. Then that is the time to introduce Me to them and My love that forgives all offenses.

So, I was given a word from Mother Elisabeth from the Lord through Mother Elisabeth about this very subject. And I have not published it yet, but I will share it with you. So, these are the words of Jesus to Mother Elisabeth, very, very accurate in prophecy.

The Lord began, “My dearest Clare, I have given you a wonderful gift I would like you and others to please exercise more frequently and with greater fervor. In these perilous times, travelling in the spirit to those who suffer trauma and are experiencing spiritual distress need My love, mercy and healing hand to work through you, my little instrument, to these precious souls, before it is too late. Your intervening on their behalf is of great importance to Me. I need you to join Me in snatching these dear ones from the devils’ grasp. When My love for these souls and your love for them are united, it is a powerful and very effective holy cord that extends from our combined hearts to their heart. The light that bursts forth from our divine union shines sobrightly into their souls, that it is completely disarming and stops them dead in their tracks.

“This death is their old self being shed, and they are instantaneously enveloped in the feeling of the life-giving light of love, of healing, and of My infinite mercy. Do this for Me, my beloved one, be My co-redeemer, and you will undergo the transforming power of your holy authority in Me. Your soul, and the redeemed soul, will be intertwined for all of eternity. You would have the Heavenly opportunity to be with them up into the final judgment, the day of reckoning.

“As it is written, I will come in glory and sit on My throne before all the nations. Before Me, all nations will be gathered, and I will separate the sheep from the goats. I will say to the sheep on My right, come, you who are blessed by My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world, and the goats will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous, into eternal life. Help Me, My precious ones, help Me.

”And that was the end of His message.

So, He is reaching out to all Heart Dwellers at this point, not just myself or those in the community up here on the mountain but to all of you.

“I am accompanying your encounters with brilliant light and a feeling of Heavenly love so it will circumvent the arguments that so quickly put an end to Me. That light being as strong as it is will so overwhelm them that they will forget to argue about anything. This is the power of My Grace, which comes through your obedience.

“You may feel shaky at first but allow yourself time to get used to where you are and what you are doing. In time, all of this will be second nature to you, and you will not have time to think, you will just respond to the situation in love and comfort. What you need will be supplied to you, just as Clare experienced the hungry toddler, and the bottle was given by an angel and that calmed this little soul.

“Some will seem quite alive; others will be in transition-

Dying. Physically dying.

“But still aware enough to follow your words which they will hear in their native tongue. The whole point is that I, Jesus, care and have come to them in their last moments, loving and helping them, inviting them to come with Me, to trust Me and the comfort I will bring to their bodies, until they just fall away, so to speak, and drift into My arms or taking My hand go with Me. The soul knows that what is going on is holy and safe, the intellect and all arguments against Me will be suspended at that time or they would not be able to come with Me.

“Your demeanor will be trustworthy and sincere, releasing them from all their fears. You must act quickly, because there are many souls you will need to reach. Be flexible in seeing what is around you and what you are being prompted to do. This is a skill I will call upon in My Brides, many times, so please do not be reluctant to yield to the inspiration.

“Clare, even the hard cases will react to your love, and light that will shine from within and without you. Do not be afraid of their reactions, you are being protected. Have only love and compassion in your heart for their terrible predicament. I will come on the heels of your touch, to bring them into My house.

“So many of you Heart Dwellers around the world can be doing this. Are you confined to a bed? You can do this. Are you unable to travel? I will take you by the hand to travel with Me. Whatever your state, all that is needed is a heart of encouragement and unbiased love. The rest will come quite naturally. If you persevere and wait on Me, it will eventually happen. It is your love for others that makes this possible. You must have that heart and I will handle the mechanics of how it is done. Nothing is impossible to those who believe, ask of Me and I will supply the faith.

“By the way, this is not astral travel as is practiced by many New Agers. No, this is holy translation totally dependent on your faith in Me. Truly you walk by faith, not by sight. We will do this together.”

And that was the end of His message.

brothers and sisters and Heartdwellers Family. May you all be blessed.This past Sunday we

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