What is the purpose of the CCP in forcing young college students to donate blood?

1 year ago

12/12/2023 What is the purpose of the CCP in forcing young college students to donate blood? Is it to collect the physiological data to provide organs for the CCP? A video circulating online showing a student advisor at Harbin Finance University inducing forced blood from students in a WeChat group has sparked controversy. As long as the CCP exists, Chinese people are all living human mines being trampled under the feet of the CCP!
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP #HarbinFinanceUniversity
12/12/2023 中共强制年轻的大学生献血目的何在?是不是为了收集生理数据为中共盗国贼提供器官?网上流传的视频显示哈尔滨金融学院辅导员在微信群内诱导强制学生鲜血引发争议。中共不灭,中国人都是中共脚下的鲜活的人矿!
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共 #哈尔滨金融学院

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