Hysterical: MSNBC's Chris Hayes Fabricates A New Russian Collusion For 2024

9 months ago

To the hammer, everything looks like a nail. If you are a conspiracy-theorizing MSNBC anchor, everything is going to look like the Russia Hoax. Case in point, Chris Hayes’ weird Russia Hoax tie-in towards the end of his rant on the GOP’s insistence that border security reforms be a part of any aid package to Ukraine. Watch the unhingement towards the end of his rant. Lest you feel inclined to empathize with those of us who watch this nonsense, I remind you, as did Hyman Roth to Michael Corleone: this is the business we’ve chosen.

• More at: NewsBusters - HYSTERICAL: MSNBC’s Chris Hayes Fabricates A New Russian Collusion For 2024

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