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Vaccine Reaction After 18 Month Shots — CHD Bus Stories

1 year ago

April’s second child was brought in for a wellness visit at 18 months. When this mother brought up her concerns about vaccine adverse reactions to her doctor, she was told that they were “just a myth” and to not worry. In this CHD.TV video, April explains what took place after the shots and how she faced “gaslighting” by medical professionals for questioning the safety of immunization.

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  • 0/2000
  • Does everyone on this channel realize that you should never try to lessen a fever, especially with Tylenol or Motrin, especially after getting shots? FEVERS ARE BENEFICIA!!! Y'all have been so programmed into the medical scam. Everything they say is the opposite of truth. NEVER try to get rid of a fever. A fever is the body trying to rid itself of toxins. A fever is the body's immune system doing it's job. Don't interfere!! They don't call is 'medical PRACTICE' for nothing. We say these words without even been cognizant of the meaning behind the words we are saying. The definition of the word 'pharmakeia' is 'sorcery'. There are also natural alternatives to antibiotics. Antibiotics are never a good idea. Taking ANYTHING from pharma is NEVER a good idea.

  • A “wellness” visit?