Interview 631 with Dr. Joseph Hastings Vertino

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Dr. Joseph Hastings Vertino…
I am now 33 years old a Reiki Master Usui (master healer), spiritual instructor, author, and musician. I sometimes use the title MASTER IN THE FIELD OF THE HEALING ARTS. I know my skills and talents are needed and desired by souls! And doing this work allows me to feel aligned in my own soul. I love to HELP- like the great help of all- THEE ASCENDED MASTERS- I exclaim for it is true, and my soul rejoices and abounds in Truth! As a child I loved being observant and that was all, I had no clinging and aversion! And my mother put me in the choir when I was 9 years old and she said "my son has a voice".
I was raised in way that was accepting of other cultures so to speak and my parents should be proud of that fact! My perspective as a Reiki Master is desperately needed at this time- it is a correcting force and bold and declarative compassion. I love everyone. My love for music is still apparent in my life now! I believe the grace that people seek even regardless of their beliefs comes through music- but it is better to know then not know in context. If there is a fear of the knowing then may it be damned for the sake of putting together a community garden. I had a friend in highschool who was a good friend and he was an atheist and I got into atheism for two years but really I was into existentialism, and I still am BUT I very much am not an atheist. I was at a church today that I was in as a child in my hometown and I am returning -maybe to stay- and I told the women there that my name "Joseph" means "I will praise the Lord all the days of my life...
I am an author officially since 7 years ago and have four books most of them available online. I also am a recorded artist... music! I put ALL of my music in the category of holy songs! I am qualified to lead in basic tai chi qi gong and yoga asana. I also have an IN DEPTH knowledge base of the extra curricular realm of EXTRATERRESTRIALS (*) .. who are in other words, by definition, a different being(s) who is able to commune with you that enhances your own richness of life! If we look at the word EXTRATERRESTRIAL (*) it has to do with extra meaning outside of where we are and then TERRESTRIAL meaning the world- so it means otherworldly- the world (qualification) is not bound to one dimension.
An example of this is that group known as "The Blue Avian Race of the 6th density/dimension of ALL being" Even Though they may not be physical they are well capable of translating to and assisting physical density/dimension.
Below attached is the links for my business work: please cherish them and share! Thanks- do this for the well being of ALL souls for I am needed and I love you, especially.
I have worked with autistic children/adults and I am great with children generally all of them haha. My favorite instrument to play is the drumset.
An affirmation I have noticed come up for myself is "everything I do is healing."
And my dharma is to provide the proper perspective to humanity!
Angel blessings on your way!
Dr. Joseph H Vertino
Important links for business :
Hello all PLEASE check out all my work ! Watch and share this it is extremely helpful to ALL !
The links for my Work :
Important *
Dr. Joe H Vertino
My two awesome YouTube channels
Thee Amazon is my 3 books
Thee SoundCloud is my hour of music
Thee Facebook is my satsang - profile photos -videos **
Then my instagram and email
(I have 1 more books (the reform of the education system ) and hours of more music through me personally as of now )
1st YouTube channel :
2nd YouTube channel :
Music :
Type in search bar : “ Joe HV “
My self published books :
Personal profile Facebook:
All of my Facebook groups /pages :
Healing prayers :
Into the divine mind with Joe HV :
Mother Mary’s healing rosary
Service of love community :
Instagram link :
The instagram name is : “andromedajoe811 “
Phone number : 1 (716) 698 7214
Thee ascended masters bless you and all humanity ! That great help of ALL .
Dr. Joseph Hastings Vertino
Angel blessings !
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