Genesis 12: A Family Is Chosen - Beyond The Basics Bible Study Podcast

7 months ago

God called Abram to leave his family and his city to become the seed-bearer for the coming Messiah. Abram obeyed and received an eightfold promise from God. Immediately, a famine came to test Abram's faith. He left the land of Canaan for the land of Egypt which would have lasting effects on his life.

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Guzik, David. “Study Guide for Genesis 12.” Blue Letter Bible, 2018, Accessed 13 May 2023.

Armstrong, Stephen. “Genesis 2011 - Lesson 12B.” Verse by Verse Ministry International, 22 Aug. 2011, Accessed 17 May 2023.

Armstrong, Stephen. “Genesis 2011 - Lesson 12C.” Verse by Verse Ministry International, 29 Aug. 2011, Accessed 17 May 2023.

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