DEW attacks as I sleep,constant Torture ramped Up, EMF,Ultrasound,Infrasound Radiation 24hrs daily

6 months ago

The EVIL in Coventry surrounding Me daily, thinking they are intelligent, radiating daily, & aiming DEW's, making deep fake video projects, for their Gangstalking Degenerates Wedding party (psyops as they stated that since they started, while all they www Network too, they have a narcisstic party 24hrs a days, as HOSTS, trying make subjects, & examples of T.I.'s, via RNM, Neural Networking, as snipers with derogatory comments, to play with T.I.'s emotions, all part of Human Behavioural Modification Programming Experiments), THINK THEY ARE INTELLIGENT LIKE TESLA 🙄 Video from yesterday morning. Will check last night, & this mornings Surveillance Abuse later Today.

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