Dealing with Haters as a Writer Top 25 Types You'll Encounter!

4 months ago

Ever faced criticism for pursuing your writing dreams? Join me as we navigate the top five haters you will meet on your journey as an author. From those questioning your decision to write a book to others comparing your work to different authors, we've got it all covered. Discover how to handle naysayers, whether you're seeking solidarity or just need to vent. And don't miss out on insights about one persistent type of hater you'll likely encounter throughout your entire writing journey! 🙄
But that's not all! Ever wondered why people say the most cringe-worthy things to writers? Brace yourself for a hilarious list of ten things you should NEVER say to a writer. If you have writer friends, this is a must-watch to avoid embarrassing foot-in-mouth moments. From questioning the quality of their book to asking for free copies or pitching your book idea, we've got the ultimate guide to maintaining writer-friendly conversations. And trust us, the last one is a DOOZY! 😳
Writers often face their fair share of haters, but humor can be the best remedy. This video delves into the humorous side of dealing with skeptics who think our job is a joke. We're listing the ten haters you'll undoubtedly encounter as a writer – from the ones who believe your job is pointless to those who read your book to hate on it. Let's commiserate together about the skeptics, the snobs, and the relentless critics. Stick around for number 10 – it's an experience we've ALL shared at some point! 🙄

#WriterHaters #AuthorLife #WritingJourney #HatersGonnaHate #WritersCommunity #LaughingAtTheHaters


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