Silent War Ep. 6352: Cities are lost, towns overran. Narrative Collapse. (Fallen)Star-Links(Neura)

1 year ago

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Desperate for Weapons of Mass Distraction - Elon Musk, controlled asset hero, unbans Alex Jones, limited hangout "neverjew" shill - "When the people need a hero, we shall provide him" - Albert Pike, 33rd Freemason/Satanist.

Offend the Jews? Harvard's under investigation... people will get fired. Demand calls for white genocide?

That's ok! Who REALLY has all the power? We all can see it now.

An American Youtuber has been imprisoned for 5 years, and allegedly tortured by the jewish Ukrainian Regime for producing videos.

Narrative Power Collapsing: 1-In-5 Young Americans Say Holocaust Was A Myth, Twice As Many Democrats As Republicans.

Starlinks fallen star symbolism. What kinda "stars" are we talking about here, exactly?!

Mob of 15 black teens beat white teen and fracture his skull on pavement in Florida.

Claim: Israelis Killed Palestinian Women, Kids, Babies ‘Execution-Style’

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