Cloning has been in front of our face even more so lately.

1 year ago

Cloning has been in front of our face even more so lately.. (Long Version)

"ASAP" a popular rapper has recently created a music video in which he depicts himself being cloned in the exact way we all speculate actually happens. This is a must see.

There's old videos of whistleblowers who stated that the ability to clone humans has been around since the late 1940's. Other whistleblowers state that the only thing they cannot creat is a soul, but technology seemingly exists to steal souls. Yes hard to believe, but you can either research it or ignore it. Dolly the Sheep is to cloning, as Close Encounters of the Third Kind was to ETs. Sci-Fi, or Science-FICTION is a well known genre for movies spewing out of the satanic corridors of Hollywood, Holly Wood being the wood used by the Druids to make their "wands". So anyone who seeks the truth is branded a "conspiracy theorist" followed by ..."you watch too many science-FICTION movies". The occult will always tell you their intentions, your ignorance is what justifies them wiping you out, it reinforces their terminology for humans "useless eaters" "expendable containers" and "human resources"

Wakey wakey people

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