JFK brain cover up scandal

4 months ago

What makes JFK's brain so important is simple and blatantly obvious:
His brain was the smoking gun and the conspirators knew this. They instantly broke the law when they took JFK's body from Dallas that day because by all normalcy the doctors there should have been allowed to perform their own autopsy. But that was immediately shot down and what happened next was a string of inconsistencies and malfunctions that makes even the non conspiracy theorist begin to question what really was going on here. They used military men to perform the autopsy under the supervision of military men, there they received orders not to do certain
The photographs taken of his corpse were allegedly taken by John Stringer. When you look at the photographs his brain and head have clearly been tampered with. Yes, you heard that correctly. They tampered with his body post mortum and took pictures that would try to hide the wound in his head because the head is so important. The brain proves that there were multiple shooters. But when John Stringer was shown these photographs they discovered that he didn't take the pictures. Robert Knudson was a lead worth following as he was actually the man who took them. When his wife was interviewed after his death she said this:
"He told me that the whole top of his head was just...gone....(They covered up the wound).. You have to remember that he was a Navy man and he had Top secret clearance. He never opened his mouth (with what he knew)."

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