Ms. LeAnnyaa's 3rd Eye 13: The Grammar (Teacher) Says, "No!" - 13th_Thursday Hybrid, 12/14/23

1 year ago

Hey, hey, Good People, 👋🏽

You're invited in for my take on why "they" does not make sense as a gender pronoun, and why "cis-" will never be necessary (for me)..‼️! 🙅🏽‍♀️😌

Then please 👍Like the video, and ✳️Follow my page to keep posted on what's coming... I'd sincerely appreciate it! 🤲🏽

Please also make it a great day! 👍🏽😊

Until next time...
💌 & Namasté 🕯↔️🕯,
Ms. LeAnnyaa

p.s. - Please & thanks a bunch for excusing the clinking of my wrist beads... 🙏🏽 I clearly use my hands a lot to express myself, even when alone... 😬 I promise to be mindful to not do that - wear them, going forward! 🙆🏽‍♀️

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