Puppuccino Puppy Is Obsessed With Starbucks Whipped Cream

6 years ago

If you are a coffee or whipped cream lover, the Starbucks would be your favorite store. This cute puppy has some serious passion for coffee and whipped cream and cannot shake off the sweet tooth.

A footage has emerged of a tiny dog getting excited in the car when on its way to Starbucks. It is adorable to watch the impatient pooch barking and wagging its tail in a car when his owner says that they are in the drive-through of a Starbucks. The woman tells the pup to calm down or it won't get whipped cream, so it calms down, but then gets excited again. Watch this hilarious reaction!

Can dogs eat whipped cream? This is the million-dollar question popping in your head when you are at the Starbucks pit stop. Whipped cream is safe for dogs provided it has low sugars and low fat content. A small amount of whipped cream will not make your dog obese or fatty. However, too much of anything is not good for dogs.

High sugar can abruptly increase the dog’s blood sugar level and can end up with serious health issues like diabetes. The increase in fat content will pounce up your dog which may lead to obesity-related health issues like cardiac, diabetic, arthritic issues.This poor guy will have to find another way to control the urges!

Watch as the impatient pooch howls and whines while they wait in the line. He wants to get his puppuccino and won’t stop at anything! What a lovely dog!

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