Amazing Polly – New Establishment Media will Pretend to be Anti-Establishment

1 year ago

Many may believe that the movement away from Mainstream Medias to the Alternative Medias is a good thing.

What if it was all part of the plan in the first place?

What if people like Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, Elon Musk, Megyn Kelly, Russell Brand, Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes, Sacha Stone, were part of an orchestrated plan?

Many of these in the alternative space may have their hearts in the right place and may not even know they were "part of the plan."

What about the movement away from Youtube and Bitchute to Rumble?

Is Rumble a much less censored and controlled platform?

Amazing Polly goes over all this and more while she brings to light that the "New Medias" are run by the same ole same ole backed by the same ole $$$.

After watching this you may question as to if anything on the Internet is not being closely monitored and controlled.

Sometimes all you have to do is follow the money and look at the characters in play. In this case, that is what Polly did and she found the same old characters operating behind the scenes.

If this is a freedom movement, why doesn't it feel like one?

It is like two parts of evil splitting and competing with each other. Yes, there may be one side that is a little less evil, but both sides have the same agenda, just a slightly different path of achieving it.

It is just a REBRANDING of Globalization.

Source: redpilluniversity --

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