Flash on PC - part 1 - 2000 - Knight of the old Code - Don’t Tell Me - Madonna

7 months ago

Flash on PC - part 1 - 2000 - Knight of the old Code - Don’t Tell Me - Madonna

I just found this hidden jewel in my old files. And I came to a realization. I didn’t become corny over night. I’ve always been this way. I guess I suppressed it over time with the stress of life. This explains so much.

The new browsers wouldn’t play these old Flash files. I had to jump through a few hoops to resurrect them into video clips.

This is how I use to do it back in 2000 before Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, MySpace, Friendster and Hi5.

Behind me you can see my old fish tank. I had an Oscar in that tank. It got to be about 8 inches long. I would feed it goldfish.


A Knight is sworn to Valor
His heart knows only Virtue
His blade defends the helpless
His might upholds the weak
His words speak only truth.
His wrath undoes the wicked


Tell me love isn’t true
It’s just something that we do
Tell me everything I’m not
But don’t ever tell me to stop



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