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Power Basics

1 year ago

[Transitional Times Poem Collection]
Power …. whose and why? – An issue worth looking at and reassessing our choices and responsibilities. It is important to recognise and own our own power. We are much more powerful that we realise. It is a journey of self-knowing and our awareness of the issues in our environments. Personal sovereignty and discernment are perhaps the root of our power.

This creation falls into my 'Transitional Times' poem category which contains 'a variety of Motivational and Commentary poems exploring issues of the time in Ireland and Worldwide' created to encourage consideration, reflection and faith, in ourselves, others and God.

For my creations completed to date from all Poem Collections, see Rumble “Louiseiology & Poetry” https://rumble.com/c/LouiseiologyPoems or https://rumble.com/user/Louiseiology

For more from my ‘Poem Collections’ or ‘Playlists’ see YouTube “Poetry From Me @ Louiseiology” https://www.youtube.com/@Louiseiology

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Many thanks,

Poem wording

Power Basics

Are you powerless or powerful?
Who has power over you?
Me or you,
Power over …. Hmm … Over Me and you.
Under what? Under the law?!
Didn’t agree to that one. Daw!

Power to; power from; power through;
Power of truth, honesty, prayer,
of speech, of silence, to act or empower.

Power of the people … by, with and for.

Power weakness; power strong:
Has someone power over you?
If so, what do you do?
Power … where does yours come from ?!!
Don’t disown it, embrace it, and/ or control it.

Control, support, means, uses or abuses.

Where does power rightly belong?
Don’t get me wrong …
stand in and use your power, be strong.
But let it operate through the heart,
where real power belongs.

Power to say yes or no.
Power to act kindly as you go.
Power to agree or disagree.
Power to say, well, I need to wait and see!
Power to deliver or power to withhold.
Power to be good, or to be bold!!

Use the power of your mind, your ‘stand’.
Yet skip using the power of your fist or hand!
“with power comes responsibility”,
Judging by our politicians, ‘one wouldn’t know’?!!

Responsibly use the power
That is yours, that you have.
And don’t permit others’
Your power to grab.

Step into it and assert.
Engage with it to prevent misuse.

Power evoked, power provoked.
“By the power vested in me” …..
Tell me, …. Who vested it? …
And why you?!

Likely, we can all, such blessings do?!

As a sovereign autonomous being, powerful,
not by others’ misuse of power to be smote.
Then there is the power of prayer.
Bestowed on both, the beneficiary and the sayer.

So ‘power tools’,
They’re yours.
Use them.
Check the rules!!

20th September 2023.
Transitional Times Poem Collection.


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