The Mystery of the Parable of the Dragon and the Warrior ​

1 year ago

...far, far behind the mountains there is a sea. Deep, deep at the bottom of the sea lies the old Dragon. No one knows how long he has been lying there, no one knows how old he is.

But over time, his eyes do not dim and his mind does not become clouded, the grip of his claws does not weaken and his armor does not become thinner. He lies curled around the largest and most beautiful pearl, protecting it from greedy glances.

And every spring there is some young and brave warrior who comes to the seashore to fight the Dragon and bring a pearl to the World. But no matter how loudly he challenges the dragon to a duel, no matter how he waves his sword and rattles his armor, the surface of the sea remains imperturbable. And the warrior leaves, having achieved nothing and telling everyone about his courage and the cowardice of the Dragon.

...far, far behind the mountains there is a sea. And on the seashore there is a lonely rock. And on that rock there is a ledge. And for many years the old warrior has been sitting on that ledge. His leather armor had long since decayed, his sword had grown into stone, and his battle ax had been eaten away by rust. He is waiting...

And only once a year at sunset the water boils on the surface of the sea, and the Dragon rises from its bottom to show the pearl to the World and admire its beauty in the rays of the setting sun. And then the old warrior smiles...

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