December 14, 2023

8 months ago

There are several reasons why rockets are so popular; in addition to creating spectacular sky explosions, they also symbolize humanity's drive for advancement in space. With technological breakthroughs and the high demand for heavy equipment due to space exploration, many different rockets have been produced by manufacturers worldwide. Do you want to know which rockets are the most powerful right now? Then stay tuned until the end of this video.
10: Space Shuttle - Payload of 60,600 Pounds
9: Delta IV Heavy – 63,000 pounds Payload
8: Falcon Heavy - 141,000-pound payload
7: Soviet N1 with a payload of 210,000 pounds
6: Energia Payload 220,000 Pounds
5: Yenisei - Payload of 290,000 Pounds
4: SLS (Space Launch System) - Payload of 300,000 Pounds
3: March 9 Long - 310,000 Pounds Payload
2: Saturn V with a payload of 310,000 pounds
1: Starship with a payload of 330,000 pounds

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