January 6th ,2021 The People fired upon for exercising their Constitutional Rights

6 months ago

January 6th, 2021
Location: Front of capitol building Washington, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA
Time between the hours of 1:11pm-2:30pm
The video you are about to watch is a chronological order of the events that took place outside the capitol building in Washington.

Unlike, other videos altered to show a side we try to stay as neutral as possible to show you the facts of what happened that day.

This video is not to put blame towards anyone on either side. The video is to show the people there is a lot more going on than what We the people may have heard.

The video presents Constitutional laws and Declaration of Rights first being.
Article I
Declaration of Rights
sec. 1. All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for their benefit, security and protection.
This means very simply We the people are the government. The congress and presidents work for us.
Sec. 3. Assembly, consultation, instruction, petition.
The people have the right peaceably to assemble, to consult for the common good, to instruct their representatives and to petition the government for redress of grievances.
Main point: Everyone in this video had a right to be on capitol grounds on January 6th, 2021. This includes both outside on the grounds and inside the building.

Sec. 5. Freedom of speech and of the press
Every man or woman man freely speak, write express and publish his views on all subjects being responsible for the abuse of such a right; and no law shall be enacted to restrain or abridge the liberty of speech or of the press.
Meaning: The people is this video can say what they want.

The timing in this video is very important. The events happened right after the Trump speech. Trump's speech ended at 1:11pm the people walked over to the capitol and this portion shows the timeframe between 1:30pm and 2:30pm.
At around 2:00pm someone in the balcony starts to shoot flash grenades into the crowd. The people are just standing around no one is fighting the police. There is zero reason to be shooting flash grenades into a crowd that has peaceably assembled. In fact, now that they have fired on the people the people have every right to defend themselves. The crowd although being fired upon several times in this video do not attack nor fight the police. You will see and you will also hear that no one is yelling attack or harm anyone.

The only reason to fire military style flash grenades into the crowd is to agitate the crowd into a fight, which would not be a fight at all. The people are now defending themselves as they have constitutional right to be on capitol grounds as well as in the building.

The fire extinguisher this is very interesting in that is just sitting there. Not strapped to the wall. There is zero reason for it to be there like that. In fact if massive fires broke out to you think that little small fire extinguisher is going to do any good. The only reason it was put there is to entrapped someone into using it.
Please enjoy this video and we ask that you share it and send it to your local congress men and women.

Currently hundreds of men and women have been in prison or jail for over 1000 days or more. They have received zero due process and they were not able to enter these videos to prove their innocence. This video alone shows the other side instigated the fight by firing military grade grenades into a passive crowded.

The trails have been an absolute kangaroo courts. They have locked up sons and daughters, we have both military and law Enforcement locked up.
We have enclosed websites to find out more info about the january 6th POWs

Please visit

Please send to your local representatives.
Thanks for watching and god bless

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