EndGame BluePrint For Global Enslavement 2007

1 year ago

EndGame BluePrint For Global Enslavement 2007 - This video was DELEATED from every platform when ALEX JONES was BANNED. It is now back and should be on your MUST WATCH list! It is a shocking fact filled review of our recent history, it explains how the so called elites have changed the meaning of words and rewritten the dictionary to cover their failed attempts to control the population. They began tracking the population and usurped the power which was given to the people by God by writing new laws to install their vision of a one world government. It also exposes their future plans to release terrible bioweapons to solidify their final hold on all of humanity so they can enjoy the gifts that God gave His children while we live in captivity under the complete control of their AI controlled cities, owning nothing and living out our entire lives under their tyrannical control. We must wake up the people so they will join the fight to hold onto our God given freedoms by bravely defying the attempts of these robber barons to manipulate our thoughts and actions and return to God for leadership...

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