I sat down with Charlie Rose to talk about the Donald Trump phenomena

6 months ago

The Evolution of Donald Trump's Political Strategy: Insights from Roger Stone

Roger Stone, a Republican strategist and longtime advisor to Donald Trump, shared insights into Trump's political journey and strategy. Stone first met Trump in 1979 while organizing Ronald Reagan's presidential campaign. He described Trump's low regard for Jimmy Carter and his decision to support Reagan, highlighting Trump's early political interests.

Stone emphasized Trump's unique approach to politics, contrasting him with conventional politicians. He noted Trump's charisma, celebrity status, and ability to draw in new voters and the disenfranchised, including moderate white Democrats and potentially African Americans and Latinos. Stone argued that Trump's reform agenda, driven by disillusionment with the two-party system, resonates with many Americans.

Discussing Trump's presidential aspirations, Stone revealed that he first urged Trump to run in 1988. He detailed Trump's exploratory efforts and significant appeal to the public even before his 'Apprentice' fame. Stone also touched on Trump's consideration to challenge Mitt Romney in 2012 and his severe eventual bid in 2016.

Stone highlighted Trump's outsider status as a critical element of his appeal, suggesting that Trump's campaign represents a broader reform movement against the establishment of both parties. He noted Trump's ability to connect with people tired of traditional politics and stressed the significance of Trump's non-traditional, authentic approach.

Stone discussed the differences between his and Trump's visions, reflecting on campaign strategy and acknowledging that Trump's media-focused strategy proved effective. He also mentioned the challenges of competing against the well-funded Clinton campaign, likening Trump's campaign to an insurgency.

Stone addressed controversies surrounding Trump, including his stance on immigration and allegations of nativism. He defended Trump's positions and dismissed the impact of fringe group support on the campaign. Additionally, Stone spoke about Trump's family, highlighting their influences and roles.

Regarding Trump's vice-presidential pick, Stone praised Mike Pence for his solid character and alignment with Trump's views. He also discussed the role of Super PACs in the campaign and Trump's need for broader financial support.

Stone expressed concerns about Trump's safety and the financial challenges of the campaign. He reiterated his belief in Trump's movement and the need for authenticity in his campaign strategy. Stone's insights provide a comprehensive view of Donald Trump's political strategy and his evolution as a candidate.

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