The CCP ordered the continuation of the “consular volunteer” network linked to the United Front

6 months ago

12/12/2023 【Congressional-Executive Commission on China】Congressman Chris Smith: Communist China's Ministry of Justice issued new regulations this year encouraging the continuation of “consular volunteer” networks. These networks are directly tied to the CCP United Front and pose real threats to the safety of Chinese dissidents. These networks are in clear violation of the Vienna Convention on Consular and Diplomatic Relations and are a brazen attempt by the CCP to use extraterritorial force to control its people.
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
12/12/2023 【国会行政部门中共国委员会】 国会议员克里斯·史密斯:中共国司法部今年发布新规以鼓励继续发展 "领事志愿者"网络。这些网络与中共统一战线直接相关,对中共国持不同政见者的安全构成了实质威胁。这些网络明显违反了《维也纳领事和外交关系公约》,是中共利用域外势力来控制中国人的无耻企图。
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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