The criminal code of the Jews, according to the Talmud - Philip Berger Benny 1880 JOC

1 year ago

'Jews wrote the book on crime, but it’s all forgotten.' Lets see what they wrote in their 'laws'. I have considered as part of the JOC series, since it details the Talmudic laws, written by jews so as to allow them to get away with crimes against us. This is a good example of organising for crimes. This book covers some very interesting facts. For example, did you know that Talmudic jewish law includes punishment for murder? however when you look at the requirements to be found guilty of murder, it is clear that it is almost impossible to convict a jew of murder ! very cunning and deceptive!!!

These "laws" of the jews, add to the explaining why they behave they way they do. enjoy learning about our enemy, which is the first step in defending against their attacks. Here is one example regarding kidnapping / Human trafficking:
"The disqualification extended not only to those who took interest of their brethren, but even to cases where the money had been borrowed by a heathen. Nor could a slave-dealer sit as judge. The Talmud stigmatises such a person as inhuman and unfeeling, and incapable therefore of deciding an issue involving the life or liberty or even property of another. Of course this ordinance applied to the traffic in human creatures who were not Jews; the kidnapping of an Israelite being punishable with death."

Jewish Organised Crime JOC series (start from bottom)
8 Jews wrote the book on crime, but it’s all forgotten 30 March 2009 MCP JOC
7 The Money and the Power - The Making of Las Vegas and its Hold on America, 1947-2000 (2001) JOC
6 Jewish Organised Crime in Australia JOC
5 Red Mafiya - Robert I Friedman 2000 (JOC)
4 Supermob - Gus Russo 2006 JOC (Mafia)
3 Gus Russo - Supermob Interview Jeff Rense 2007 JOC
2 Lansky - Hank Messick 1971 Jewish Organized Crime (JOC) Mafia
1 MCP - Ye Shall Know The Truth Ch 5 Underworld Truth About Organized Crime (JOC)

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