Where's Hunter? - Animation of Audio from Trump Rally

10 months ago

Where’s Hunter?
Today 12/13/23, Hunter Biden defied a lawful congressional subpoena to appear for a deposition before investigators.
Instead, Hunter performed political theatrics for the media to obscure the actuality of his unlawful non-compliance.
In this case, the legal deposition process would normally be used to review numerous detailed bank records & documents. Biden should have taken today’s deposition opportunity to explain payment records from various foreign oligarchs and the Chinese Communist Party and eliminate concerns.
If he didn’t want to answer questions about things like #Ukraine, he could have still complied with the subpoena, & asserted his Fifth Amendment rights to not answer.
Instead, Hunter Biden skipped the lawfully scheduled deposition, and staged a grandstanding brief with loyal press support to justify his demand for special treatment, in an attempt to twist public opinion.
Predictably, Democrats lined up in concert to defend the Biden Crime Family
This video animates audio clips from a Trump Rally to illustrate public concern about evidence which paints a troubling picture of “influence peddling” in their business dealings, particularly with clients and the potential coordinated cover up.

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