Scientists Suggest It's Time To Engineer the Sky - UK Column News

7 months ago

Scientists Suggest It's Time To Engineer the Sky 
- Scientific American: It's Time to Engineer the Sky
- Climate Home News: The Overshoot Commission is talking about solar geoengineering. Not everyone thinks it should
- United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: COP28 Opens in Dubai with Calls for Accelerated Action, Higher Ambition Against the Escalating Climate Crisis
- The DEGREES Initiative: What is SRM?
- Climate Overshoot Commission: Report Booklets
- Nature Journal: Exposure to climate change information predicts public support for solar geoengineering in Singapore and the United States
- SRM Youth Watch: Comic Book: Solar Radiation Modification—Who’s Deciding Your Climate Future?
- SRM Youth Watch (on X): 
“Why is inclusion critical to effective governance on Solar Radiation Modification?
Joshua Amponsem sheds light on the critical role of inclusion at the SRM launch event in NYC. #COP28”
- United Nations Environment Programme: One Atmosphere: An Independent Expert Review on Solar Radiation Modification Research and Deployment
- Make Sunsets (on X): Deploying reflective clouds in the stratosphere to cool Earth until humanity transitions off fossil fuels and scales greenhouse gas removal
- Make Sunsets: We have launched 33 balloons and offset 5,596 ton-years of warming
- Met Office: Met Office position on geoengineering research

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