Pine Siskins & Rosy Finches

1 year ago

Cathy was excited to see the return of the pine siskins to the feeders, last seen in late fall. Because of the brisk temps and wind, they were not shy about fighting off the rosy finches. The pine siskins weigh in from 0.4 to 0.6 ounces versus the rosy finches can weigh, as adults, up to 2.11 ounces. That does not deter the pine siskins that wanted food, despite being greatly outweighed and out numbered. I hope you have as much fun watching the brief interlude this morning as I did feeding them. To feel their trust to eat off of plate and hand is thrilling. The siskins frequently lit on the hand on the camera and even on the camera strap. The finch lit on my feeding hand, as well as on shoulder and head. I was surprised to realize after a short while that I could tell which species was on my head by the difference in the weight!
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