surah at tahrim

1 year ago

Surah At-Tahrim, or "The Prohibition" in English, is the 66th chapter of the Quran. It discusses various aspects of family life, relationships, and the consequences of actions. Here's a brief breakdown of its content:

Prohibition and Reproval (Verses 1-2):

The surah begins by emphasizing the importance of maintaining the limits set by Allah and avoiding that which He has prohibited.
It specifically addresses an incident involving one of the Prophet Muhammad's wives, Hafsah, and highlights the need for transparency and accountability in marital relationships.
Repentance and Obedience (Verses 3-5):

The surah encourages repentance and turning back to Allah in obedience.
It mentions the example of the wives of Prophet Noah and Prophet Lot, who were righteous but were married to disobedient husbands. Despite their marital challenges, these women remained steadfast in their faith.
Consequences of Actions (Verses 6-7):

The surah underscores the idea that individuals are responsible for their actions, and every action has consequences.
It warns about the Fire of Hell, which awaits those who defy Allah's commandments.
Guidance for Believers (Verses 8-10):

The surah concludes with guidance for believers to safeguard themselves and their families from the Fire by living in obedience to Allah.
It emphasizes the importance of righteous deeds, humility, and constant remembrance of Allah.
Overall, Surah At-Tahrim serves as a reminder of the consequences of transgressing divine limits, the importance of repentance, and the need for steadfastness in faith and obedience to Allah. Feel free to share this summary!

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