Who Am I?

6 months ago

Who Am I ?
There is an historical and Biblical account in Matthew 19:16-24, of a rich young man whose identity was in his wealth. One day he saw Jesus and approached Him and asked: “Good Teacher, or Messiah, what good thing shall I do that I may inherit eternal life? Jesus responded with a question. “Why do you call Me good? No one is good but God alone. But if you desire eternal life then keep God’s commandments. The young man asked Jesus, which ones? Jesus said, “ you shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not bear false witness against another, honor your father and mother and you shall love your neighbor as yourself. The young man responded: ‘all these things I have kept from my youth. What do I lack? What Jesus said next was meant for only this young man because this is where his identity was, in his wealth. Jesus said to him: "If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come follow Me.” Please note: Jesus said this to this particular young man. Jesus had no problem with wealth in itself but it was a test to this particular young man and we will see how he responded to Jesus’ request. When the young man heard what Jesus said, he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.” NKJV. (Paraphrased by this author). The young man truly desired to follow Jesus as one of His disciples, that is why he approached Jesus. But Jesus knew this man’s heart and He also knew the man’s identity was in his possessions and the things of this world. His self-image and self-esteem was tied to his wealth. His worth and intrinsic value was connected to his money. He had a tight fist around material and tangible things and rather than trust Jesus for his supply, he could not relinquish what he had accumulated. His security, self worth and everything he understood of himself was attached to his possessions. Little did he know how much more God would have blessed him if He had trusted in Him. God wants all His children to identify with Him and not our possessions, or careers, or families or sports or anything we place above him. Things that are only temporary and fade away as we do. The thing is we can’t take any of it after we leave this present earth. Solomon, King David’s son, was one of the richest men of the entire world at that time. God had blessed him with immense wealth and great wisdom. Abraham and Jacob and many others had great wealth. No God has no problems with us having wealth because we can use it to further His kingdom here on earth. But some of us identify with tangible, fleeting things and the tighter we hold on to it, the more fearful we grow that someone will steal it or rob us of it. This is not God’s best for us. Our identity is only in Christ Jesus and the Almighty God.
The Bible is my firm foundation. Today I used the King James Version, the NASB, NLT and AMPC, and NKJV versions, more for clarification and understanding. I also used the Webster 1828 Dictionary. One pastor said: ”If we won’t give it, we probably are not safe with it.” Can God trust us to trust Him, no matter what it looks like in the natural realm?
Thanks again for tuning in and applying these timeless truths to your lives. I have chosen to pass it forward to you what God has taught me through my fellowship and life experiences through Jesus Christ. God bless everyone. Please do your own research and allow the Spirit to guide you. Talk to you soon. Listen to the music by Casting Crowns: “Who Am I?”

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