Bohemian Grove – Human Hunting Party – Paul Bonacci Testimony

6 months ago

This is what the most “Prominent Men” in World do for fun. Pay attention from now on who goes there. It is now to the point they really don’t care because we are in the final days in which they are Disclosing what they have been doing and they are allowing much of it I believe as they simply don’t care because of the soon upcoming event of the “Great Culling.” I believe they are controlling the rate of disclosure. I hope I’m totally wrong on this and that they are losing control.

Before any activity they must participate in the “Cremation of Care” by the High Luciferian Priest. Note from the last video, that one of the participants was Pope Ratzinger, so that should tell you who runs the Catholic Church from the tip top.

Watch Paul Bonacci’s testimony towards the end about George Bush receiving oral sex from children.

Ever notice that we have all these fires in the USA but NONE ever come close to Bohemian Grove?

This is their spot for planning on how they will control the world and depopulate the people. They also are hunted by the elite. Some are raped. The Reverend Billy Graham was one of the Rapists. He is not Christian by far, as explained in other videos, the guy is evil, he is satanic but they get on TV and have very good real Christian people following them. That is how they invert the world of Christianity. It was a main part of the plan going way, way to the FOUNDING of America.

Another rapists at the Grove was Richard Nixon.

Surviving Children from the Grove are kept for child trafficking and shipped all over the world for Pedophilia parties. Fiona Barnett was one, she was raped by Ted Turner.

People who hurt children like this need to be executed. That is crossing the line. They don’t know love. They are truly mentally f’d up.

Paul Bonacci says that he was in a closet at one of these elite parties and the secret service came in and checked the room and didn’t see them in the closet. Vice President Bush Sr (at the time) comes in with two children and they give him oral sex.

The hunting parties including games within the games when the others were ordered to Rape other children as they were told to do this or they would be killed.

Folks, these are the people that are running our world right now. They are no good.

These are the ones who 100% control Big Pharma and they have technology that is mind blowing and they are using this technology in very evil ways. These are the guys who control our MEDIA 100%.

When you watch the National Evening News you are watching their PLANS of Manipulation. It is all propagation to control your mind and keep you in their world of illusion.

Snap out of it and help others wake up. Share what you can, educate who you can.

Here is the link to the Franklin Cover-up book

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