The Fatal Flaw in the Theory of Evolution. Unlocking The Mystery Of Life. MUST SEE 12-23-2022

1 year ago

The Fatal Flaw in the Theory of Evolution. Unlocking The Mystery Of Life. MUST SEE 12-23-2022
Please Note: I may have gotten side tracked and spent 6 hours on this project. But it was Damn Well Worth It. I was filled with disgust after watching a recent video of an Atheist Scientist/Biologist pushing the Bogus Theory of Evolution. So I was Triggered to find a video that provided a good argument against Evolution. To my utter surprise and amazement, I was actually able to find Conclusive Proof that Evolution is IMPOSSIBLE.
But it is the work of these Amazing Scientists who's research over the coarse of many decades that actually allowed them to find Conclusive Proof that the Theory of Evolution as the Origins of Life is Completely Impossible. Now "That" is AMAZING
Modern biology attributed the Origin of Life to the Random Attraction through the Natural Affinity of Chemicals to explain the Formation of a Branch Chain of Amino Acids. That a Branch Chain then Reproduced ITSELF.
It takes multiple types of these Branch Chains of Amino Acids to Form a Protein.
(((The Problem is that it is IMPOSSIBLE for these Amino Acids to REPRODUCE Without DNA to Provide the INSTRUCTIONS and MEMORY on How to Build and Reproduce themselves.)))
And DNA is Immensely More Complex than a simple Protein.
The previous understanding of Biology is that Life Consists of a Physical Form and Energy. But it is Now Known there is a third aspect to Life: INFORMATION
Life Cannot Be Produced by Matter and Energy without without that Information.
Life is far more than the sum of it's parts. The Breath of Life precedes birth. Deconstruct a corpse and you will not find the Soul. Nor the Life Force. A pure materialistic atheist view of life is a false paradigm. Evolution itself has been proven to be a false doctrine. Scientists at the Highest level know this, but publicly still push this fake belief because it is an essential part that holds their bogus scientific theories together.
Life is not random, but follows the template of life and creation. Life is manifest from the Divine, or from a higher natural order, and is far more than simply mere physical matter and energy.
When Science no longer follows the Scientific Method, it becomes Bastardized. It becomes like a superstitious religion called Scientism. Scientific theories based upon abstract mathematical equations is not Proof of a Scientific Fact. It is Merely a Theory. Belief in Theories as Established Fact without Provable and Reproducible Results is nothing but Scientism. Everything must be proven and verified through Experimentation that provides reproducible results. Without that, you have nothing but empty theories. Not Science.
Explain how and why life manifests in Fractals of Divine Geometry, and then I will be impressed. Especially in relation to any Theory of Evolution and Natural Selection...
@OratorBlog 12-13-2023
The Scientists Beginning To Doubt The Theory Of Evolution | Unlocking The Mystery Of Life | Parable
429,325 views December 23, 2022
Parable - Religious History Documentaries
The modern debate surrounding the origin of life on Earth has. always been divisive. Historically, scientists have sided with the theory of evolution, whilst followers of the world's religions side with the theory of creationism. This documentary follows a meeting of some of the worlds top scientists and scholars who harbour doubts that evolution holds all of the answers.
Mirrored From:
If Darwin was alive today he would Debunk his own theory, because it has since been proven it does not stand up to the criteria he himself defined:
Darwin: "If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly be formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down."
The Origin of Species
Darwin DEBUNKED: Using Modern Science (12 Minutes of Density!)
"A Genetic Code is a single word formed in the mechanics of that life form.
If you change that code, you alter the meaning of that word."
Full video:
By Design: Behe, Lennox, and Meyer on the Evidence for a Creator
Hoover Institution
2.1M views 10 months ago

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