Switch Statements And Ternary Operators | Day 33 | Web development Course 2023

1 year ago

Switch Statements:

The switch statement is another control flow statement used in JavaScript to execute different blocks of code based on a given value. It can be a more concise and readable alternative to nested if/else statements when you have multiple conditions to check.

Switch Statements and Ternary Operators in JavaScript
Switch Statements:

The switch statement is another control flow statement used in JavaScript to execute different blocks of code based on a given value. It can be a more concise and readable alternative to nested if/else statements when you have multiple conditions to check.

Here's the basic syntax:

switch (expression) {
case value1:
// code to be executed if expression is equal to value1

case value2:
// code to be executed if expression is equal to value2


// code to be executed if expression matches no case
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Let's break down the parts:

switch: Keyword that introduces the statement
expression: An expression to be evaluated against each case
case: Keyword that introduces each case to be checked
value: The value to compare the expression with
{}: Curly braces that enclose the code to be executed for each case
break: Optional keyword that exits the switch statement after a case is matched
default: Optional keyword that introduces a fallback code block if no case matches

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